Samantha "Sam" James (Klariza Clayton) is Dani's best friend and science geek who spends most of her time at the village library.
She was introduced in "Pirates". She is shown to be very clever with a sense of humor who likes things in order. Her idol is Professor Brian Cox, and cannot stand anyone that criticizes her.
As well as the sciences, she is worried about endangered species of animals as shown in "Use Your Noodle". She had a brief career as a pop star before her manager realized she couldn't sing.
She reveals in series 4 that she is going to train as an astronaut for NASA and leaves later in the series. A future scene, seven years later, shows that she makes it onto another planet and is there greeted by an oblivious, alien co-ordinators Zang and Zark.
After she done Dani's House she come in one episode in Dani's Castle that was Ghost Tour.
Where she now works for the government in Area 52, investigating ghosts and UFO's.
Dani's House: Series 1[]
- Pirates
- Best Friends
- Luck
- Killer Party
- Sleepover
- Ghost Mutterer
- Amnesia
- Snakes
- Toby No-Mates
- It's Not Easy Being Green
- Celebrity
- Snowed In
- House for Sale
Dani's House: Series 2[]
- Jack in the House
- Wedding Dress
- Hit the Jackpot
- Abracadisco
- Double Trouble
- Break a Leg
- The Axolotol Factor
- Lady and the Vamp
- Use Your Noodle
- Secret Millionaire
- Alien Invasion
- Scrooge Tube (2009 Christmas Special)
- Marathon Man (2010 Sport Relief special)
Dani's House: Series 3[]
- Weird Wednesday
- Chat Show
- Grandad and the Emo of Doom
- The Cook Off
- Only Child
- Book Squirm
- Maxworld
- Driving Miss Dani
- Jack's Rival
- Who Do You Think You Aren't?
- Valentine
- Buddy Movie
Dani's House: Series 4[]
- Achy Breaky Heart
- Love at First Sight
- The Natural
- We Should Be Heroes
- Hair Today,Gone Tomorrow
- The Big Grapple
- One Small Step For Sam
- Sayonara Sam
Dani's House: Series 5[]
Dani's Castle (Series 1)[]
- Ghost Tour (Final Appearance)