Benjamin "Ben is Max's best friend who is of below-average intelligence. Him and Max spend their days constantly terrorising Dani and her friends. However, towards the end of Dani's House: Series 4 Ben and Dani become friends and in 21st century boy Dani introduces him as a really good friend.
Dani's House[]
Ben is introduced as Max's sidekick who often spends a lot of time at Dani's house. Despite having below-average intelligence, he tends to think up Max's evil plans, but Max always pretends it was his idea, at which point Ben praises Max. In Dani's House: Series 1 Ben also gets on well with Toby. This might be due to the two of them share similar levels of intelligence.
Ben did not appear in Series 3 Episode 3 (Grandad and the Emo of Doom) as Gandhi was not available for episode filming. In series 4, he is shown to be more intelligent and more capable of going solo as Max does not star in a lot of episodes he is in. He made a one-off appearance in the Dani's Castle episode, 21st Century Boy.
Dani's Castle[]
Ben made a one off appearance in Dani's Castle (Series 1) in 21st Century Boy. He arrived at the castle after Jack sent him over there to cheer up Dani. Despite Dani now being happy at the castle she says how great it is to see a familiar face. Gabe misinterprets Ben and Dani's relationship and believes that they are in love.
That night Gabe visits Ben, who is sleeping with his eyes open and challenges him to a duel. Ben tells him that he doesn't wish to duel him and gives Gabe back the cloth. Unbeknowst to Ben picking up the cloth is a sign that he agrees to the duel. Gabe tells him to choose his weapon and to meet him downstairs the following morning.
Ben challenges Gabe, much to his shock to a dance battle. After hours of dancing, Dani declares Ben the winner. Gabe argues that he still has more to give but Dani replies that if they carried on Ben would pass out. She promises Gabe that Ben is just her firmed and the two of them get together.
Ben is last seen leaving the castle, he tells Dani it was just like old times except in a new place and with different people. This is his last appearance.